What’s new in Virtel 4.58 (November 2018) General Release

The following newsletter summaries the new features and maintenance updates that can be found in Virtel Release 4.58.

Installation changes

Customization - OPTION Mode is now the preferred default

As of Virtel 4.58 the transactions to support compatibility mode have been deprecated and are no longer installed by default. These transactions have been moved to the COMPAT section in the ARBOLOAD JCL deck. The transactions are:-


Virtel 4.58 delivers a dummy w2hparm.js file in the W2H-DIR directory, identified by transaction W2H-03P, and also in the CLI-DIR, identified but the transaction CLI-03P. New customers are advised to use the ‘option’ mode support for customization. See below for further details on the ‘Option’ mode and where to find more information. The ARBOLOAD JCL has been modified to include the OPTION=YES keyword. Relevant Virtel transactions will be installed by default.

To include compatibility mode transactions specify COMPAT=YES in the ARBOLOAD JCL.

USERPARM feature

A new section has been added to the ARBOLOAD to add the transactions required for the USERPARM feature. By default these are not added to the ARBO. Specify USERPARM=YES in the ARBOLOAD JCL to include these transactions in your configuration.

SAMPLIB additions

New members have been added to SAMPLIB to support the VIRPLEX configuration. These members are:-

VIRPLEX     A sample job to configure Virtel to support Virplex
VIRTELZ     A STC procedure to support the Virtel Reader and Writer instances
VIRTCT00    A sample TCT for Reader tasks
VIRTCT99    A sample TCT for Writer tasks
SPVIREnn    JCL samples to run Virplex instances as batch jobs.

For further information see the Virtel Technical newsletter TN2018-08 Virplex

Migration considerations

V4.58 None.

There have been no changes to the ARBO which would require migration from V4.57 or V4.56. Customers who are migrating from older releases should review the “What’s new in Virtel V4.XX” newsletters to determine applicable migration actions for new distributed features. Depending on requirements not all actions may be applicable. These newsletters are available online at https://virtel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

V4.58 Option mode default. Compatibility mode deprecated

As of Virtel 4.56 two modes of customization were available, the ‘option mode’ and the older ‘compatibility’ mode. The new ‘option’ mode enables better granularity in setting global options and bespoke customization. With Virtel V4.58, option mode is the preferred mode for Virtel customization. By default, neither mode is active.

Certain steps must be followed to activate either “compatibility” or “option” mode. As distributed, Virtel will use parameter defaults set programmatically. See Appendix A in the Virtel User guide foe a list of the defaults. The w2hparm.js members in W2H-DIR and CLI-DIR are now dummy entries.

“Compatibility “ mode is still supported but requires users to re-assemble their TCTs with the ‘Option-default-compatibility’ keyword in the TCT and to run the ARBOLOAD job with COMPAT=YES. This will maintain previous customized behavior for the custom.css, w2hparm.js and custom.js files. For compatibility mode the option is:-


The new “option” mode enables customization at a transaction level as well as the more global entry point or line level. The logic of using CLI-DIR to store customized versions of custom.js, w2hparm.js, custom.css etc. in the CLI-DIR has been deprecated as of release V4.56.

Customers are advised to migrate old customization elements to the new “option” mode enabling those elements to be located through the use of the /option/ pathname. New transactions have been added to support the /option/ pathname. See the ‘Option Mode’ section in Customizing Virtel in the Virtel User Guide and the Virtel Technical Newsletter TN2016-11 Customizing Virtel in V4.56.


Customers who have customized elements in the W2H-DIR stand the risks of having these overwritten by subsequent maintenance and Virtel release updates.


5534 Help Pages for Version 2 W2H

New help pages have been added for the Version 2 of VWH settings.

5539 Show/Hide Virtel tool bar

A new administrator option has been added to the w2hparm. Setting w2hparm option [“switchToolBarDisplay”] to a Boolean false or true will hide or display the Virtel context tool bar menu. The default is true.

5542 Improved VWA Settings messages

The help messages for the VWA Settings panel have been enhanced.

5553/5571/5572 Support system clipboard events

Virtel now supports the system browsers clipboard API. This avoids the need for �Plugin� support in most browsers. This includes support for paste continue and copy append.

5608 Allow PA3 to be mapped as PGUP

The PA3 key can now be mapped to PGUP.

5654/5655 Presentation Enhancements

Corrections to the Cross-Hair cursor positioning in large screen sizes (62*160). The Virtel Cut, Copy and Paste feature can now support macro definitions. This change only applies to cases where Virtel is using its own clipboard interface. Improvements to the font size stretching computing algorithm.

5615 Japanese Template Support

A new Virtel template WEB2VIRTJ.htm has been introduced to provide support for Japanese.

5619 Add support for Iranian “Farsi”

The code page IBM1097A Iranian “Farsi” is now supported.

5631 Add support for “Old Belgium” The code page IBM0274 “Old Belgium” is now supported.

5654/5655/5698 Presentation Enhancements

Corrections to the Cross-Hair cursor positioning in large screen sizes (62*160). The Virtel Cut, Copy and Paste feature can now support macro definitions. This change only applies to cases where Virtel is using its own clipboard interface.

Improvements to the font size stretching computing algorithm.

Selection box in wrong position in non stretch mode

5697 Correct invalid 403 signon suspend message

Invalide template was being displayed when signing on with invalid credentials.

Base Components

5530 Change attributes of message VIR009I

Message VIR0099I will always be written to the syslog to aid in detecting a �Virtel UP� event for automation software.

5549 Session setup can now accept URL LOGMODE string less than 8 characters

A logmode less than eight characters can now be passed in the URL string.

5552 Add CodePage 437 support to IND$FILE

The IND$FILE file transfer can now support code page 437 (PC-DOS)

5559 Update the IBM 0276 Code page The IBM EBCDIC French-Canada code page has been updated.

5566 Default MAXSOCKETS increased to 5000

The default MAXSOCKETS value has been increased from 250 to 5000 sockets.


Enhancements to the ‘nolongpoll’ option through implementing a classic poll whenever the SNASTAT indicator is detected (e.g. The application has not freed the keyboard). This should allow normal asynchronous support for most applications and removes the overhead of using an additional �longpoll� session. No changes are necessary to Virtel to support this enhancement. I4WEB, however, should be changed to support the SNASTAT indicator to indicate that the application message is incomplete.

Note:- - Asynchronous events such as ‘end of an application’ will not be seen by SNASTAT and consequently will not be detected until the operator action i.e. Enter key pressed.

5599 Set Initial timeout increased

The Virtel {{{SET-INITIAL-TIMEOUT “10”}}} template instruction has been modified to a time of 101 from 10. This enables a longer session setup time before termination is triggered.

5607/5617 3270 Structured field to allow a CICS transaction to obtain TLS user certificate.

Support for FAC2 structured field which allows a CICS program to retrieve the TTLS user certificate. For VSE requires a compatible release of VSE TCP/IP which supports EZASMI IOCTL requests. See Barnard Software Build IPv6/VSE BUILD 258PRE10. Virtel introduces a new structured field which can be used to extract security credentials. The new structured field is x’FAC2’. See Appendix A for further details.

5635 Provide a LOGFILE feature for VSE

By setting LOG=FILE or LOG=SYSOUT in the TCT VSE users can now spool the VIRTEL log to a file or SYSLST dataset. In previous versions the Virtel log was only available through the console. See Appendix B for further details.

5677/5678/5696 Virplex support

Virtel introduces a new feature to allow communication between Virtel instances. For further information see the Virtel Technical newsletter - TN2018-08 Virplex

Virtel Web Administration

5630/5654/5662 Save user settings data on the host. Centralised settings

This feature secures user parameter setting information on the host within the Virtel. When a user refreshes their cache or uses a different machine/browser to access Virtel the users stored settings data will be downloaded from the mainframe. If there is no USERPARM transaction associated with a particular entry point then this feature will be disabled. See Appendix C for further details.

5649/5638 Hotspots

Virtel hotspot code has been reworked. It is now possible to add customized hotspots. Please contact Syspertec support for further information on hotspot customization. Input fields now also support hotspot strings.

In this release a VWA API has been implemented to aid hotspot customization. Please contact Syspertec support for further information on hotspot customization.

In this release a VWA API has been implemented. Details can be found in Appendix D.

5622 Redesign JavaScript initialization The initialization of the Virtel JavaScript browser client has been enhanced.

Scenario Language

5576 IF$ now supports OIA-STATUS-INHIBITED

The IF$ scenario statement has been updated to include option �OIA-STATUS-IS-INHIBITED�. This can be used to test whether the OIA mode is in X-SYSTEM.


5577 Update to COPY$ to support multiple fields.

COPY$ has been updated to support multiple fields. The NUMBER-OF value and SCREEN-INPUT-FIELDS/SCREEN-FIELDS can be used within a scenario to process multiple fields in a template. This feature can be useful in translation of HOD HA scripts to a Virtel scenarios.

HASCRIPT Example:-

      <numfields number="2" optional="false" invertmatch="false" />
      <numinputfields number="2" optional="false" invertmatch="false" />

Which allows checking if a screen has two fields total and two input-fields.

In Virtel:-

Scenario Example





Template Example



5580 ACTION$ SEND= and KEY=

Enhancement to the ACTION$ TO-APPLICATION instruction to

  • Allow user friendly KEY= keyword values

  • Add a new SEND= parameter which can contain data to be copied to the screen before transmitting.

Example 1:


Example 2:


The KEY= parameter was previously restricted to the low level one byte code for the pf key. It may now also have an uppercase or lowercase mnemonic for the function key (not mixed case).

For example:

pf2 or PF2 or ‘pf2’ or F2 are all valid. Previously only F2 was valid.

Also valid are : pa1, PA1, clear, CLEAR, attn, ATTN etc. As an example, the following idnode://8642HASCRIPT example:-

<mouseclick row="9" col="2" />
<input value="s[pf18]" row="0" col="0" movecursor="true"  xlatehostkeys="true" encrypted="false" />

Could be translated into a Virtel scenario:

ACTION$ TO-APPLICATION,SEND='s[pf18]',                        *

Or, you could replace a HASCRIPT statement with encrypted=”true” :-

    <mouseclick row="11" col="20" />
    <input value="UNz6xMt6Qr8=" row="0" col="0" movecursor="true" xlatehostkeys="true" encrypted="true" />

With a Virtel scenario using a PassTicket:

COPY$ SYSTEM-TO-VARIABLE,VAR='MYPTK',                         *
ACTION$ TO-APPLICATION,KEY=enter,                             *


The same scenario can now be used as both input and output scenario types.

5610 $MAP instruction can now support a label

$MAP can now be referenced via a labels allowing $MAP instructions to be defined in scenario sub routines.

Updates and maintenance

A full list of maintenance updates can be found in Appendix E.

Appendix A

Security Certificate Retrieval Feature

The format of the request:

F3 llll FAC2 t1


llll is the length of the segment (0005)
t1 is what is requested:
X'01'                   Get user name (N/A to VSE)
X'02'                   Get user certificate
X'03'                   Get both user name and certificate
X'04'                   Get source IP address

Example of request:

F30005FA C202

The format of the response:

88 llll FAC2 t1 dddd n... t2 dddd m...


llll is the length of the segment (eg 0007)

t1 (or t2...) is the type:
X'EE'                   Error
X'01'                   user name
X'02'                   user certificate

dddd is length of following data

n... (or m...) is data (e.g.user name or certificate)

Example of normal response:
8802A4FA C202029D 30820299 30820202  A0030201 0202010C 300D0609 2A864886
F70D0101 05050030 40310B30 09060355  04061302 46523112 30100603 55040A13
09535953 50455254 4543311D 301B0603  55040313 147A2F4F 53205365 63757269
74792053 65727665 72301E17 0D313830  32313132 33303030 305A170D 31393032
31323232 35393539 5A304E31 0F300D06  03550406 13064672 616E6365 3120301E
Example of error response:
880007FA C2EE03EE

Appendix B



A LOGFILE must be set up prior to starting Virtel and the TCT should specify LOG=FILE. The recommendations are:-

FILE ID:                  VIRTEL.Vnnn.LOGFILE             FILE NAME: LOGFILE
ORG:                       5 (SAM EDS)                    USAGE: 2 (REUSE)

In the VIRTEL startup JCL add the following statements to support the LOGFILE:-

// DLBL SYS001,'VIRTEL.V458.LOGFILE',,VSAM,                            X

At the follow step at the end of the startup JCL to process the log:-

// DLBL PRINTFL,'VIRTEL.V458.LOGFILE',,VSAM,                           X


For LOG=SYSOUT add the following statement to the Virtel startup JCL:-


VSE LOG Commands

The following commands are available to control the Virtel log:-

MSG XX,DATA=      LOG,D                   Display logging status
                  LOG=CONSOLE     Switch to console mode only
                  LOG=SYSOUT              Switch to sysout mode only


Once you switched from LOG=FILE(Initial TCT Option) to LOG=CONSOLE, you cannot revert back to LOG=FILE.

Appendix C

TCT Parameter Changes

UPARMS=(USERPARM),                Name of directory for user data - USERPARM

If setting up a separate physical VSAM file for the USERPARM directory, the following TCT definitions must be defined, otherwise, use the HTMLTRSF as your USERPARM repository.

Additional TCT statements required to add a new VSAM TRSF file to support USERPARM:-


Also add an ACB to support new directory file at the bottom of the TCT definitions:-


ARBO Changes

To support this feature a new subdirectory and associated transactions are added. The USERPARM member in VIRTEL.SAMPLIB provides an example of the transactions that are required to support the USERPARM feature. Running the ARBOLOAD JCL in the CNTL file with USERPARM=YES will add the relevant entries to the ARBO.:

1. Allocate a new TRSF VSAM file for USERPARM definitions. See USERPARM member in SAMPLIB.
2. Run ARBOLOAD(CNTL) with USERPARM=YES to allocate a new SUB-DIR and add the associated transactions.
3. Update the TCT. See above.
4. Restart Virtel.

Note. The HTMLTRSF can also be used as a USERPARM repository. It is not necessary to set up a separate physical VSAM file. Also, take care that the name given to the directory, USERPARM in this case, is correctly referenced by all components.

Scenario and Template updates

To access the name of the parameter directory:-






The following security definitions will be needed to support this feature. For example, for RACF the following FACILITY profile definitions need to be added and users given READ access.


Sanity check

A ‘sanity check’ template is provided to validate the USERPARM environment at the transaction level. For example:-



To test the feature:

1. logon to a 3270 application, say TSO
2. Open the settings dialog
3. Change the "Display Style" to Gray and save. The back ground colour should change to gray.
4. Disconnect from Virtel using the Red button in the tool bar.
5. Reconnect in another browser and open a 3270 session.
6. The background colour should still be set to gray.
7. Open the settings dialogue and confirm that Gray button is still highlighted.

In the console log you should see an ‘UPLOAD’ message:-

139             ARM' USER 'SPTHOLT             '
139                    FILE : 'CAB2755C7863A11EF8031C73FB634E9C'

Scenario enhancements

The Virtel scenario and template languages have been enhanced to support this feature. To obtain the name of the User directory

In a scenario:



In a template:


Appendix D

The VWA API supports the following methods:-


A method that returns the application name:-


var n = vwaAPI.getApplicationName();


A method that returns the user id:-

var u = vwaAPI.getUserId();


A method that submits the current VWA form with the pf key given as parameter.



A method that takes a customized way of building the title into account. You define a function (e.g. myTitleBuilder) that returns a string (=the title). You provide this function as parameter:-

vwaAPI.customizeBuildTitle (myTitleBuilder);

Appendix E

Maintenance list

  • 5527 context/focus switch problem

  • 5528 Ctrl+V and Insert and PasteBy Typing

  • 5530 Virtel initialisation message VIR0099I must go to the console

  • 5531 Abend S0C4 in VSVTINIT on shutting down Virtel

  • 5532 Possible ‘parsing error’ loading w2h settings in Italian

  • 5533 In ‘stretch’ mode, W2H may misalign some characters

  • 5534 Help pages for V2 W2H admin

  • 5535 BLINK attribute no longer work in Chrome and Firefox

  • 5536 Prevent Alert Box in IE8

  • 5537 Correct Import/export in VWA

  • 5538 Pop-up menu correction for IE.

  • 5539 Show/Hide tool bar option

  • 5540 remove w2h setting to omit nulls from input

  • 5541 Correct HTML return with “/” in passwd.html.

  • 5542 Update VWA Settings messages-

  • 5543 Backup W2H parameters. Fix problem with Toolbar display

  • 5544 Correct display problems

  • 5545 Correct ARBOLOAD installation job-

  • 5546 Cursor not visible on highlighted field

  • 5547 EDGE browser display problem with Tool Bar

  • 5548 Correct Import/export in VWA

  • 5549 REQSESS fails if Logmode in URL is less than eight characters

  • 5550 Correct time display in directory list

  • 5551 Correct JavaScript to avoid Drag & Drop Failure

  • 5552 Add PCDOS (CP437) support to IND$FILE

  • 5553 CLIPBOARD events

  • 5554 Spell Checking incorrectly turned on in IE

  • 5555 show/Hide toolbar by keypress

  • 5556 PRINT extra blank page at end

  • 5557 PRINT missing EOL at EOM

  • 5558 cucumber test blocks on CLEAR

  • 5559 IBM0276 update

  • 5560 DDI JavaScript error in macros_Problems.js

  • 5561 Update VIR0021Wto correctly handle SFE codes

  • 5562 VIROOPE force free of user memory

  • 5563 Error loading custom.css


  • 5565 VIRTEL Abend 878-10 after multiple VSVPSYNL SAE2HOZ1

  • 5566 Increase default Maxsockets to 5000 from 250

  • 5567 PRINT extra blank page at end

  • 5568 VIRSV forces TRAP(0FF) for service programs

  • 5569 VIRPLEX do not ignore URL path before VPLEX= key

  • 5570 VSVRTMSG Initialization LENGTH OFF LE. MSG=00141

  • 5571 CLIPBOARD paste continue / copy append

  • 5572 CLIPBOARD spellcheck

  • 5573 Add LOG=FILE to Virtel logging

  • 5574 JS01.js should not contain {{{ Virtel statements

  • 5575 Add explicit /w2h paths in web2sub.html and js01.js



  • 5578 CTRL key has no effect under Epiphany browser under Linux

  • 5579 i4WEB - Out of Memory due to X-SYSTEM not enforced

  • 5580 Enhance ACTION$ SEND= and KEY=

  • 5581 Fix Black screen in IE8

  • 5582 Hotspot Error in IE8 JavaScript

  • 5583 FIRST-PASS may be set on second pass into a SCENARIO INPUT

  • 5584 Update Version number

  • 5585 Correct ‘unde?ned’ error when tool bar removed

  • 5586 Paste-Continue button should not be on the toolbar when not using clipboard event

  • 5587 Correct stretch in IE when in compatibility mode

  • 5588 Correct ‘GetAttribute’ inVIR3270.js

  • 5589 Implement ASYNC NOLONGPOLL using SNASTAT

  • 5590 Avoid duplicate PF=DISCONNECT after refresh

  • 5591 Restore PF5 behaviour for IE8

  • 5592 Correct CCP Append behaviour

  • 5593 Correct Context/Focus Switch Problem

  • 5594 Fix Virtel Studio DEBUGS TRACE

  • 5595 Correct Hot Key problem with CTRL key

  • 5596 Do not print extra blank line at EOM if EOL

  • 5597 Adapt consistent ?le name for i4web

  • 5598 Possible ABEND S0C4 alter MQ response is desynchronized

  • 5599 SET-INITIAL-TIMEOUT modified from 10 to 101

  • 5600 HOTSPOT identifies wrong location in a long output ?eld

  • 5601 HOTSPOT traps multiple entries in a template.

  • 5602 SYSCLONE substitution incorrectly appears in the VIRARBO ?le definitions

  • 5603 IE11 Import/Export Macro Button Fix

  • 5604 IE11 Stretch Bug

  • 5605 Scenario Abend due to missing SCENARIO END

  • 5606 WEB2VIRTAJAX has JavaScript errors

  • 5607 3270 Introduce new structured ?eld to allow a applications to obtain user certi?cate

  • 5608 W2H Allow PGUP key as PA3

  • 5609 PA3 incorrectly sent with length 3 instead of 1


  • 5611 Update Virtel Sub-Application Menu

  • 5612 HTTP correct pointer from session to pseudo terminal

  • 5613 HTTP possible Abend due to large content-length

  • 5615 Add WEB2ZVIRJ.htm template for Japanese language support

  • 5616 ACTION$ instruction may be rejected due to an error in UPDT5580

  • 5617 Adapts UPDT5607 for VSE

  • 5618 Correct screen presentation

  • 5619 IBM1097A Iranian Farsi translation table

  • 5620 User Parms on host -1- USER-PARMS�DIRECTORY

  • 5621 Correct IE problem - SCRIPT16389

  • 5622 Redesign JavaScript initialization

  • 5623 Abend S202trying to restart a LINE to VIRXM

  • 5624 Context Menu display errors

  • 5626 VSE Abend in RACROUTE REGUEST=EXTRACT routine

  • 5627 Change Virtel long poll response to add a Content-Length header

  • 5628 Minor changes to V4.58 JavaScript

  • 5629 ‘//’ slash characters in w2h parameter settings window

  • 5630 Save VWA Parms. User on the Host � Centralised Parameter Feature

  • 5631 IBM0274 0ld Belgium translation table

  • 5632 3270 structured ?eld to retrieve user IP address

  • 5633 3270 certi?cate structured ?eld always return same certi?cate

  • 5634 3270 structured ?eld - possible ASRA

  • 5635 VSE LOGFILE Support

  • 5636 Apply minor modi?cations

  • 5637 MQ response line no longer read alter a timeout

  • 5638 Correct CCP and SmartCursor issues

  • 5639 Update VSE tape build

  • 5640 Update VIR0002A to support VSE SYSLST

  • 5642 Save VWA Parms. Enhancement - Part 2

  • 5644 Correct MAP length in VIR0021W

  • 5645 Save VWA Parms. Enhancement - Part3

  • 5646 Complete keypad.css for TBT

  • 5647 Change compress/WEB2AJAXC.bat to allow compress from SVN

  • 5648 Save VWA Parms. Enhancement - Part4

  • 5649 Hotspot and Settings corrections

  • 5650 Correct Toolbar to display Virtel Information

  • 5651 Correct PassPhrase decrypt

  • 5652 Correct cursor position with unformatted screen

  • 5653 Some DBCS Characters are lost at end of a ?eld

  • 5654 Hotspot, CCP and Centralized Setting updates

  • 5655 Minor corrections and fixes I

  • 5656 compressed js and others

  • 5657 VWA perms on host for security type 4

  • 5658 Hotspots In INPUT fields

  • 5659 correct PTFGEN

  • 5660 DFHMDF map generation may be wrong due to binary zeroes in the screen

  • 5661 Minor corrections and fixes II

  • 5662 Centralized Parms update

  • 5663 Correct bug In Macro backup

  • 5664 Increase password length In PASSWD HTML

  • 5665 Web2ajax.htm now loads web2ajaxcjs

  • 5666 Videl update number missing in vwa toolbar

  • 5667 Correct bug In centralised settings with security—O

  • 5668 Correct defautt font setting in settings panel

  • 5669 Correct synchronization settings

  • 5670 Minor corrections and fixes III

  • 5671 Correct Macro bug

  • 5672 Minor corrections and fixes IV

  • 5673 Create UPDT5673

  • 5674 FIX appmenu htm

  • 5675 correct VIRHTML abend

  • 5676 Correct switch problem

  • 5677 VIRPLEX at startup. we may see a series of VIRQLK51 messages

  • 5678 VIRPLEX supcn)rt for perms on host for READONLY servers

  • 5679 fix. Macro bug and other minor fixes

  • 5680 possible abend connecting to a VTAM application

  • 5681 Refactor of SVN 4800 and 4807

  • 5682 Updates to installation changes to defaults

  • 5683 various javascfipt fixes from SVN

  • 5684 more javascfipt fixes

  • 5685 Centralized Parms wrong VPLEX code sent by W2H-Settings

  • 5686 pseudo terminal not freed after close of the window

  • 5687 Centralized Parmy error with IE8

  • 5688 It-I VIR0021W causes ASRA/ABENDCC4 abends

  • 5689 Cleanup correctly following a REGS ESS failure In VIR0021W

  • 5690 V458 Installation updates

  • 5691 memory oveday after using VIR0021W USSTAB

  • 5692 Javascript fixes

  • 5693 set-local-option (use-htmini)

  • 5694 Loop with Trace option (Y,Y,Y)

  • 5695 some pseudos not released when closing several tabs

  • 5696 Virplex - error message if BROADCAST cannot be done

  • 5697 Incorrect 403 signon suspended error when signon is not suspended

  • 5698 selection box at wrong gn)sition In no stretch mode

  • 5699 VIR1728E ERROR: CANNOT OPEN message

  • 5700 Remove compressed option from appmenu htm